Mercredi 24 mai 2017, 12h00Passé
Mai 2017
Mercredi 24
12:00 - 14:00
Accessible aux handicapés auditifs
Accessible aux handicapés visuels
Accessible aux handicapés psychiques
Accessible aux handicapés moteurs

Incubateur IMT Atlantique (Rennes)

2 bis rue de la chataigneraie, 35000 Rennes
  • Ille-et-Vilaine
  • Bretagne

(Rennes) MASTERCLASS: Having a real legal strategy to create a start-up!

Jérôme Giusti and Serge Vatine, associated lawyers at 11,100.34 will help you to set up your legal strategy
Mercredi 24 mai 2017, 12h00Passé

Advising and supporting companies in all sectors of technological, social and cultural innovation, 11.100.34. Avocats Associés offers legal, tax and legal assistance services in all areas of business law and new technologies to which it offers specific and original legal assistance.

With 11.100.34 working with a large number of startups, 11.100.34 is now able to offer legal advice as part of their digital transformation to more traditional companies and large companies.

Practitioners but also legal theorists, the lawyers of the firm also participate in numerous calls for research and experimentation projects, working on subjects of legal prospective in relation to big data, open data or open-innovation.

Free registration: https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/Incubateur-IMT-Atlantique-Rennes/events/239479902/?eventId=239479902

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À propos du lieu

Incubateur IMT Atlantique (Rennes)
2 bis rue de la chataigneraie, 35000 Rennes
  • Ille-et-Vilaine
  • Bretagne