The Beautiful Outings - The flute player - Neuville en Ferrain

Theatre, Music
In a city populated by greedy and selfish inhabitants where the Mayor herself does not give the example, rats proliferate dangerously. A lone musician agrees to get rid of them but he does not get the promised reward. He decides to take revenge...
Joachim Latarjet, who has already adapted The Little Girl with Matches, offers a re-read of The Flute Player of Hamelin, a cruel and fascinating tale by the Brothers Grimm. He transposes it into a city of today, temple of overconsumption, waste accumulation and king money. On trombone and guitar, he makes an ode to music while revealing with humor, gravity and poetry, stupidity and human ignorance. At her side, Alexandra Fleischer carries the narration and a sometimes sung word.
On an intimate set, the duo compose a light-dark show where the comic characters and situations are alongside the mysterious and disturbing.
Distribution : Co Oh! Yes...
Text, music and staging Joachim Latarjet Based on The Grimm’s The Hamelin Flute Player
With Alexandra Fleischer, Joachim Latarjet Artistic collaboration Yann Richard Son et régie générale Tom Menigault Lumière Léandre Garcia Lamolla Vidéo Julien Téphany Costumes Nathalie Saulnier Photo credit O. Ouadah
Duration: 50 min
All ages from 8 years
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