Math and games festival
Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 March 2025, the Science Forum offers a weekend of animations, workshops and exhibitions to celebrate mathematics and games in a fun and captivating way!
15 i 16 marzo

Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 March 2025, the Science Forum offers a weekend of animations, workshops and exhibitions to celebrate mathematics and games in a fun and captivating way!
Activities on same day reservations
Discover the sky, marvel at more than 4,000 stars and dream of the spectacle of the starry sky
Under the Good Weather Session
- At 3:30 p.m.
- From 6 years (children and adults)
- Duration: 45 min
Tonight’s Sky Session - 2:30 pm and 4:30 pm
- From 9 years (children and adults)
- Duration: 45 min
Exhibition «Arts & Prehistory»
A unique discovery of reproduction of prehistoric art masterpieces, carved, engraved and painted from around the world. Combining the contemplation of works with audiovisual immersion, the tour immerses visitors in the imagination of our ancestors. An exhibition at the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle de Paris. - Visit at 2:15, 2:45, 3:15, 3:45, 4:15 and 5 pm
- From 7 years (children and adults)
Exhibition “From time to time”
Explore, observe, interpret and experiment are the keywords of this exhibition created by the Science Forum. It invites young children to discover the time that is found all around us, rhythm the daily life of the child and transforms the world. It remains a mystery, for the youngest and the oldest. - Visit with mediator at 2:15, 3:30 and 4:45 pm
- For 3-6 years accompanied
- Duration: 1 h
Atom space
A space where your child can experience mini-workshops at his or her own pace after an animation supervised by a mediator. - Animation at 2:15, 3:30 and 4:45
- For 3-6 years accompanied
- Duration: 1 hour
We found a letter, referring to a mysterious island where a treasure of inestimable value was hidden... Unfortunately, part of the message is encrypted and we need your help to decipher the cryptogram and find clues scattered throughout the city of Enigma in order to discover the location of the loot.
Session “On the trail of secret codes” - At 2:15, 3:15, 4:15 and 5:15 p.m.
- From 7 years (children and adults)
- Duration: 45 min
Focus on digital image workshop
Thought as a kind of time travel, from prehistory to the present day, in this animation where we will focus on images produced today using digital tools. Through manipulations, the public will be invited to discover and understand the techniques behind their designs. - Workshop at 2:30 pm, 3:30 pm and 4:30 pm
- Mediation workshop space
- From 9 years (children and adults)
- Duration: 45 min
Workshops “3D Map”
Discovering the notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci... The association Kidi’Science offers two workshops to design 3D maps, like the famous Codex: illustrated notebooks by Leonardo da Vinci.
Workshop «Léonard de Vinci, a geometry enthusiast» with the dodecahedron found in nature and technology - Workshop at 3 pm / Clean room
- From 10 years (children and adults)
- Duration: 2 h
Workshop «Leonardo da Vinci, between spiral and golden number»: a small experiment to understand, then realization of the 3D map - At 3 pm / Clean room
- From 8 years old
- (children and adults)
- Duration: 2 h
Open access activities
Discover mathematics in XXL
Traditional XXL animations and games to discover, share, think together... while having fun.
- Animation for all audiences (children and adults)
- By the company Dice bag
- Space Flânerie
Math in games
Learn mathematical concepts through the game: the broken cube, mystery and gum balls, the broken tile, the magic star, the magic square... - Animation for all audiences (children and adults)
- By the Science Forum
- At the Doc'
Words in the mouth and numbers in the head
A space for reading, playing, observing and creating that will make you discover mathematics in a different way! - Animation reading all public
- from 3 years (children and adults)
- by the Open Book association
- In the cabinet of curiosities
Make your pascaline
Only on Saturday!
Creation and production of calculating machines based on the pascaline calculator of Blaise Pascal. - Animation for all ages from 7 (children and adults)
- Fabien Jonckheere, industrial designer and art animator
- Lobby
Flexagones, pop-ups and other geometric folds
Only on Sunday!
From a simple sheet of paper and basic geometric patterns, make mathematical objects with amazing properties and leave with your own model made by you! - Animation for all ages from 9 years (children and adults)
- Ludimaths
- At the Doc
The math magicians
Only on Sunday!
Mentalism and divination towers, automatic towers, calculating prodigies... You can discover their secrets through simple arithmetic principles and also play the magician... - Animation for all ages from 9 years (children and adults)
- Ludimaths
- At the Doc'
Exhibition “Climate History of the Earth”
A journey through time to discover the Earth’s climate evolution. - Thematic exhibition for all ages from 9 years (children and adults)
- Science Forum
- Lobby
The exhibition “Visions of the future”
The exhibition «Visions du futur» evokes through artistic and prospective engravings our relationship to the evolution of science, techniques and technologies. Designed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), it is composed of 14 panels associated with a video projection of photos taken by the telescopes or space probes of the stars presented in the exhibition to compare the environments shown in the illustrations with the actual data available.
Nasa Creation
Translation and printing Departmental Forum of Science - Thematic exhibition for all ages from 9 years (children and adults)
- White Room
Espace Doc'
Friendly space in which the public can discover different books, magazines, guides... and various animations related to the theme of this year «Math out of the walls». - Doc’ Space for all audiences (children and adults)
- At the Doc'