On November 25, 2023, Les Rouges Putes (CH) let their anger resonate in front of the Juvenile Court and recited the furious poems of the poet Perrine Le Querrec (FR), inspired by testimonies of survivors of violence in Paris and Geneva.
On November 25, Les Rouges Putes will take over the front of the Palais de Justice, Place du Bourg de Four, another symbolically strong place. Perrine Le Querrec (FR), author of the collection Rouge Pute, will this time join the ranks of the choir to celebrate survivors and honor victims of feminicide.
The performance will take place at 7 p.m.
A proposal by Antea Tomicic with the perspective of Magdalena Karpinski.
Texts: Perrine Le Querrec. The collections of poems Rouge Pute and Les Alouettes were published by Editions de la Contre-Allée and Editions d’en-bas.
With the support of the Office for the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Violence (BPEV), the Agenda 21 – Sustainable City Department of the City of Geneva as part of the “Objectif zéro sexisme dans ma ville” campaign and the Emilie Gourd Foundation.