Giardino Bardini
Costa San Giorgio, 2 Firenze
The four hectares make the Bardini Garden one of the most interesting and articulated in the panorama of the green of Florence within the walls. A spectacular baroque staircase leads to the loggia belvedere and divides the garden in two: on the left is the agricultural part, on the right the wooded one. From the entrance in via dei Bardi 1, where the ticket office is located, following the path of the visit, you enter the lower part of the garden where you immediately meet the garden of roses and later a backdrop with the coat of arms Mozzi followed by a statue of Venus in a niche. Proceeding appears the new garden of peonies that leads to the rustic cave and leads to the pergola of roses, a grotticina next to the statues of Vertumno and Pomona, to the area of the wall-fountain from where the long stairway bordered with iris with horizontal cords cultivated with roses starts. On the left has been recently built the theater of verzura that leads further down to the fountain of Mascheron