The symbolism of plants
Inter-institutional project exhibition on May 31 and June 1-2, 2024 The project brings together professional high schools (merchandising, metalwork, cabinetmaking, health and social, toolmaker) around a transversal theme to the 4 museums «private gardens» / «the symbolism of plants» based on the collections, the olfactory devices of the museum, the plants of the garden and its spaces. Each class will produce a product related to its specialty such as: a mobil, a booklet of remedies, a metal device and birdhouses Insect hotels Development of fountains and facilities for batraciens.
Lycée Louis Pasteur, Lycée les palmiers, Lycée des eucalyptus and Lycée Vauban - Nice, Lycée Léonard de Vinci - Antibes and Lycée Gallieni - Fréjus. The objective is that high school students appropriate the collectionsof the museums of Grasse and the fauna and flora of the gardens of the MIP to design productions in their respective field with an open look at various artistic practices, while collaborating on this project with other vocational schools.