18 i 19 octubre
Urria 2024
Ostirala 18
09:00 - 18:00
Larunbata 19
13:30 - 18:00
Discapacidad mental
Acceso discapacitados mentales
Los motores de acceso para minusválidos

La Fabrique – Rêves de ville

5 boulevard Anatole–France 72000 Le Mans
  • Sarthe
  • Pays de la Loire

Icerberg 2 Exhibition

This exhibition designed by the Council of the Order of Architects of the Pays de la Loire proposes to unveil 134 architectural projects proposed in 2022, but which have not been realized. It puts …
18 i 19 octubre

This exhibition designed by the Council of the Order of Architects of the Pays de la Loire proposes to unveil 134 architectural projects proposed in 2022, but which have not been realized. It highlights all the creative energy of architects at the service of our common spaces.

About the location

La Fabrique – Rêves de ville
5 boulevard Anatole–France 72000 Le Mans
  • Sarthe
  • Pays de la Loire
With La Fabrique – rêves de ville, Le Mans Métropole wanted to create a place of information, exhibition, exchange and debate around everything related to the sustainable development of the territory. She proposes:
* Thematic exhibitions, which combine different structures, for which guided tours are proposed,
* activities for children, in the form of visits and/or workshops related to the theme of the current exhibition,
* advice to individuals on their housing projects, through on-going meetings and practical presentations,
* conferences, debates or "café archi".
Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire, CADRE DE VIE (le quartier, la ville, la ruralité, les ensembles urbains, les espaces publics, etc.), GRANDS REPÈRES (architecture iconique et monumentale, sites labellisés Architecture Contemporaine Remarquable, bâtiment réalisé par un architecte lauréat d’un Grand Prix national de l’architecture)
Open from Tuesday to Friday from 8.30am to 6pm, Saturday from 1pm to 6pm.
© Le Mans Métropole