Jueves 7 noviembre 2024, 20:00Passed
Azaroa 2024
Osteguna 7
20:00 - 21:10

Theatrical improvisation: The mechanics of the kneader

Improvise Feydeau, really? This is the crazy bet of the Slalom company.
Jueves 7 noviembre 2024, 20:00Passed
Martin Reeve

As part of the 24-25 Cultural Season. Conditions for purchasing tickets on www.saisonculturelleplo.ch. Out of respect for the artists and other spectators, we reserve the right to refuse entry to latecomers, without refund or exchange. At Feydeau, the characters find themselves trapped in avalanches of unexpected encounters, lies and secrecy: it is the trouble! Improvise Feydeau, really?
Improvisers love to experiment with ideas that are beyond them. This is a good excuse to delve into the mechanics of Georges Feydeau, to construct stories from which we no longer know how to escape. Feel in the moment the danger and the joy of misunderstandings. In short, being in trouble!
On stage, the five actors find themselves in the same predicament as the characters. In a common momentum, the performers rush into the organized chaos and share with the public this joyful art of imbalance.
Created in June 2012, the Slalom Company is made up of ten actors, from both the theatrical and improvisation sectors. She develops collective work in order to create projects inspired by the works of great theater authors where improvisation occupies a central place. After Le Molière improvised then I just wanted to avenge my father and then things got complicated, La Mécanique du périn was born in February 2023, the third original creation from the Vevey company.
Jeu : Anna Krenger, Adrien Mani, Melody Pointet, Matteo Prandi et Florence Wavre / Création lumière : Stéphanie Rochat / Scénographie : Lucie Meyer / Costumes : Tania d’Ambrogio / Regard extérieur : Marion Chabloz / Collaboration dramaturgique : Alexis Rime / Construction porte : Colin Jeanneret, Lia Martinelli / Complicité artistique : Tiphaine Indermühle, Mélanie Foulon / Soutiens : Loterie Romande, Fondation Leenaards, Jürg George Bürki-Stiftung, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Pour-cent culturel Migros, Ville de Vevey, Corodis / Production : Compagnie Slalom / Coproduction : Théâtre Oriental-Vevey, Waouw Théâtre

Event type
Intérêt intercommunal
Target audience
General public
Organisé par
Organized by the city
Service culturel de la commune de Plan-les-Ouates
Organizer url
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comédiens sur scène
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Événement en plein air
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About the location

Espace Vélodrome
Chemin de la Mère-Voie 62, 1228 Plan-les-Ouates
  • Genève