Free access to collections
Visit the museum’s collections freely: the collection of Gaston Couté, a poet and singer from the early 20th century. He experienced his hours of glory in Montmartre with his texts in patois beauceron
Sábado 17 mayo, 18:30

Visit the museum’s collections freely: the collection of Gaston Couté, a poet and singer from the early 20th century. He experienced his hours of glory in Montmartre with his texts in Beauceron patois, denouncing injustices and social misery. The Quatrehomme collection is a true collector’s cabinet of the mid-20th century. Archaeology, paleontology and numismatics. And a very beautiful bibliophile showcase on the history of Magdún: Jehan de Meung (novel of the Rose), Villon (the great Testament), Dumas (the Three Musketeers)