Sábado 21 septiembre, 19:00Passed
Iraila 2024
Larunbata 21
19:00 - 20:00

Archives départementales du Nord

22 rue Saint-Bernard - 59000 Lille
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France

Dancing the Liberation - Ball swing

Take flonflons, a few musical notes, two or three dance steps and come swing at the Archives!
Sábado 21 septiembre, 19:00Passed
(c) Archives départementales du Nord

Take flonflons, a few musical notes, two or three dance steps and come swing at the Archives! A lively and festive popular ball animated by the group Coalporterz for music and by the association Les Salopettes to be guided in swing dance.

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Journées Européennes du Patrimoine

About the location

Archives départementales du Nord
22 rue Saint-Bernard - 59000 Lille
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France
The departmental archives of the North, created in 1796, and attached to the General Council of the North in 1986, collect, keep(preserve), list(classify) and announce to the public all the archives of public agencies existing or having existed on the Northern Territory, since they are of an interest for the justification of the rights of each and as source(spring) of historic research(search). These public archives are supplemented by coming private archives to enrich bottoms.
Subways 1 and 2: Door of Posts(Post offices), Subway 2: Montebello, City-dweller: Boulevard of Metz, to Want Lille n ° 89: Boulevard of Metz
Jean-Luc Thieffry - Archives départementales du Nord

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