21 i 22 septiembrePassed
Herramientas de registro
 06 50 32 88 17
Iraila 2024
Larunbata 21
15:30 - 16:30
Igandea 22
15:30 - 16:30
Los motores de acceso para minusválidos
7 to 99 years old

Église et crypte Saint-Laurent

3 Place Saint-Laurent 45000 Orléans
  • Loiret
  • Centre-Val de Loire

Guided tour: from the 10th century abbey to today’s parish church.

Let yourself be guided, step by step, penetrated by the atmosphere of this small neighborhood church built under Louis XIII.
21 i 22 septiembrePassed
Herramientas de registro
 06 50 32 88 17
© François Moury

Crypt Saint-Laurent, pre-existent to the current church.

No selection
Catégorie principale
Balade - découverte - visite

About the location

Église et crypte Saint-Laurent
3 Place Saint-Laurent 45000 Orléans
  • Loiret
  • Centre-Val de Loire
Evoked in written sources from the 9th century under the mention of a chapel, the building is a Clunisian priory in the Middle Ages. The building suffered from the Hundred Years War and the Wars of Religions, before being rebuilt under Louis XIII and becoming a parish church. It features paintings and stained glass windows from this period, a 17th-century portal and bell tower, and a crypt. The church and parish houses a monastic community.
Édifice religieux, Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire, Patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO
François Moury

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