Show: KiLLT – Ki Lira Le Texte? The Rules of the Game

The Rose des Vents offers the KiLLT show on Wednesday, December 11 at 2 p.m. at the Centre Social Centre Ville.
KiLLT – Ki Lira The Text? The Rules of the Game
Who will read the text? In the classrooms, the proposal often finds few volunteers... This is precisely the exercise that OlivierLetellier wants to dismiss. More than a participatory show, KiLLT (for «Ki Lira Le Texte», therefore) is an invitation to read aloud. An actor invites a group of about fifteen participants to appropriate a play and give it the reply, over a hybrid device. It mixes play and wandering in a room where the text is written on the walls. Which have no ears but quite a few things to tell. In this case, The Rules of the game, by Yann Verburgh, is the story of two children who, in a country ruined by war, imagine a better world... just waiting to come to life. From 11 years. Duration: 45 minutes