Chambre de métiers et de l'artisanat
68 bd Lundy, 51100 Reims
This mansion is built by the architect Dufay-Lamy between 1908 and 1914, at the request of Albert François (1860-1930), administrator(director) of the Reims Warehouses (bigger(greater) chain of stores to numerous branches at the end of the XIXth century). The cornices of inspiration Louis XVI as well as windows and stained-glass windows of 1944 emphasise the facade of the hotel. Inside this building, they find a mixture of styles inspired by Renaissance and Louis XVI. In 1938, he(it) becomes the property of Chamber of trade and of Small business sector(Crafts). After renovation, the place kept(preserved) its original lines between court(yard) and garden, typical of a French-style mansion.
Édifice industriel, scientifique et technique
Ville de Reims