Demonstration visit of the Reuse and Ecoconstruction Construction Solidaire in Romainville (ecorehabilitation, shared workshops wood earth s

The Demonstrator of the ecoconstruction and the reuse of Construire Solidaire is a place resource and demonstrator rehabilitated in 2021 on a wasteland, and constitutes the workplace of + 10 structures of the ecoconstruction, the reuse of waste of the construction, wood construction techniques - earth - straw, supportive housing and training organizations ecoconstruction and insertion. The cooperative Construire Solidaire (Pole Territorial de Coopération Economique) brings together these actors, provides shared workshops, and works to support the emergence of the ecological construction sector, and structure in a solidarity way. Rehabilitated with different techniques (straw wall, hemp, earth plaster, reuse of construction waste, ecological insulation). The demonstrator is one of the noticed projects of the OFF du Développement Durable 2023, Osez Faire Frugal.
The visit will begin on Friday, October 13, 2023 at 2 pm and until 4 pm and will be accompanied by Rémy Beauvisage. The bio-based materials and insulation will be on display. Panels explain the rehabilitation. The structures on site will exhibit their productions and trades.