Le bruit de l'air #2, installation by Philippe Macnab-Séguin
The Sound of the Air #2
Installation by Philippe Macnab-Séguin
The sound of the air is a geolocation music installation on the forecourt Gérard Hourbette, located opposite the Phénix national scene of Valenciennes European Creative Pole.
Since 2023, Art Zoyd Studios has been working to make this place musical and creative thanks to this device, and wishes to highlight the young musical creation. In 2024, it will be the second edition of the Bruit de l'air with the theme of Valenciennes lace. A call for projects for young composers was launched in 2023. The laureate, Philippe Macnab-Séguin, is a Canadian composer. He will present his work on this occasion. The inauguration of this second version of Air Noise is scheduled for 21 and 22 September 2024 during the European Heritage Days. An opportunity to dive into his universe, as well as the repertoire of Art Zoyd Studios, as well as the work of composer Gérard Hourbette (_The Sound of Air #1_It will be necessary for the listener to download on his smartphone the application "The noise of the air", downloadable on
Air noise, sound installation
Biography of Gérard Hourbette