Guided tours of the exhibition “Second Nature”

Saturday 16 & Sunday 17 September at 10am and 2pm
guided tours of the exhibition “Seconde Nature” by the co-curator of the exhibition Olivier Zeitoun
For the first time, the Centre national des arts plastiques (CNAP), the Mobilier national and the Musée des Arts décoratifs join the Centre Pompidou as part of an exceptional partnership to present the national design collections in Toulon. From a selection of works from the collections of the four institutions, organized by the villa Noailles in collaboration with the Métropole Toulon Provence Méditerranée, the exhibition «Seconde nature. Pour un design durable” brings together some 50 designers through 150 works at the Festival Design Parade Toulon, who explore the possibilities of sustainable design to better understand the plurality of approaches.
Subject to availability of places