Domingo 17 septiembre 2023, 14:00Passed
Herramientas de registro
 musee@parc-camargue.fr 0490971082
Iraila 2023
Igandea 17
14:00 - 16:00


Mas du pont de Rousty 13200 Arles
  • Bouches-du-Rhône
  • Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Open letter to a distant river

Open letter to a distant river
Domingo 17 septiembre 2023, 14:00Passed
Herramientas de registro
 musee@parc-camargue.fr 0490971082
@Marianne Salmon Cie Troisième rêve

Small musical and theatrical form for Souffles et Cordes... From the Rhone to the Great River of Life and Death, two actors and two musicians weave a correspondence and begin a sensitive and poetic dialogue with the rivers... " Open letter to a distant river" is an address to the river, outside or inside,... that each one carries within itself.
Voice: Marianne Salmon and Jean-Christophe Vermot-Gauchy Accordion: Pascal Rosiak - Cello: Thierry Renard Under the artistic direction of Michel Tallaron Duration: about 50 minutes
The performance will be followed by a participatory epistolary workshop open to all. write a letter to the real or imaginary river of your choice! A few words or more depending on the inspiration, a drawing, a small sign... Entrust to the rivers a memory, a dream, an aspiration, a message for the Earth... ! Your letters can be entrusted to the company, which will collect them to feed a vast correspondence between the Rhone and other Great Rivers of France and the World (within the framework of the multi-year project "Bringing the Voice of the Rivers", conducted in partnership with the IAGF - Initiatives for the Future of the Great Rivers) - workshop duration: between 1h and 1h30 according to the inspiration of each. e

Types d'événement
Atelier / Démonstration / Savoir-faire
Thèmes 2023
Patrimoine vivant
I agree that the image may be freely used, provided that it is attributed to the author by name and shared under the same conditions.
Conditions de participation
Type de public
Tout public

About the location

Mas du pont de Rousty 13200 Arles
  • Bouches-du-Rhône
  • Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Museum of the Camargue Art, nature and company(society)
The island of the Camargue, between the Rhône and the Mediterranean Sea, possesses an exceptional environment, fruit of the meeting of fresh water with salty(steep) waters and of human activities which developed there. The regional Nature park of the Camargue has as vocation to protect and to make live this natural heritage, cultural and human to build the future of this territory.
A C' museum is in the farmhouse in Provence of the Bridge(Deck) of Rousty where the regional Nature park of the Camargue installed(settled) the Museum of the Camargue, shop window(showcase) of the territory. Recently renovated in a logic of sustainable development, the sheep barn, under its skeleton of origin, proposes an immersion in the Camargue yesterday and of today with the permanent exhibition The current, the thread(wire) of time(weather). Period pieces, sound(resounding), interactive, play installations, videos and contemporary works of art invite small and big(great) to surf between past, present and future, far from the transported pictures(clichés).
A path experience(experiment) can be extended thanks to the path done up which follows the channel(canal) and the rice fields up to the marsh, via(including) the hut of the herdsman.
A cultural programme All year long, shows, projections, meetings debates and thematic visits to the museum or on the territory of the Park offer an approach play and different from from the Camargue culture.
[STOP_TRANSLATION]Des parcours artistiques Au départ du sentier, une œuvre de Tadashi Kawamata, Horizons, invite à s'élever pour méditer sur les enjeux de l’eau dans le delta du Rhône. Sur le territoire du Parc, le parcours des Sentiers de l’eau invite à sortir des sentiers battus pour voir la Camargue autrement avec les installations de Tadashi Kawamata, Décise, sur les bords du Grand Rhône à Arles et Escale à la station de pompage de la Grande Montlong.
Crédits: Françoise Baussan/Région PACA
Espace naturel, parc, jardin, Musée de France, Tourisme et handicap, Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire, Musée, salle d'exposition
Opening  : In October at the end of March: from 10 h till 12 h 30 and from 13 h till 17 h. In April at the end of September: from 9 h till 12 h 30 and from 13 h till 18 h. Opened every day except January 1st, on the May 1st, on December 25th and the weekends of January.