Lecture by Christian Dubois on «La Bastide de la Nartette» (Saint-Cyr)
Sunday 17 September from 15h00 to 16h00/// Lecture by Christian Dubois (Centre Archéologique du Var) on «La Bastide de la Nartette» (Saint-Cyr)
Domingo 17 septiembre 2023, 15:00Passed

Christian Dubois
Sunday 17 September from 15h00 to 16h00 /// Lecture by Christian Dubois (Centre Archéologique du Var) on «La Bastide de la Nartette» (Saint-Cyr)
Reservation required with the Cultural Service of the city of Saint Cyr-sur-mer
Mail: culture@saintcyrsurmer.fr /Tel: 0494261920
Location: Municipal hall of the harbour master’s office of La Madrague
Bastide de Nartette: From a communal barn from the 16th century to the orphanage of St Isidore - The story of a little-known building that changed its vocation at least three times and owner six times.