Electric mountain bike cultural tour
Enjoy a cultural tour from Saint Bonnet en Champsaur with a mountain guide.
Domingo 17 septiembre 2023, 10:00Passed
Herramientas de registro
Register / book: https://www.champsaur-valgaudemar.com/hiver/a-voir-a-faire/animations-evenements/
Ian Goncalves
Enjoy a cultural tour from Saint Bonnet en Champsaur with a mountain guide. Start with the discovery of the site of Bois Vert à la Fare and its charming chapel, then, direction Le Noyer with the guided tour of the exhibition "The forest: days and nights" with the artist Yoma Martin-Galtier. ENfin, you cross the Drac, to attend the guided tour of the current exhibitions of the House of Photography. Back to Saint Bonnet.