Domingo 17 septiembre 2023, 14:30Passed
Iraila 2023
Igandea 17
14:30 - 15:30
This event includes accessibility accommodations
Motor impairment

Site archéologique d'Olbia

Route de l'Almanarre 83400 Hyères
  • Var
  • Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur


Theatrical recital, from a cycle of melodies programmed by the Peplum festival and created at the Théâtre antique d'Arles in July 2022, around Latin poetry in action, Carmina Amoris makes dialogue…
Domingo 17 septiembre 2023, 14:30Passed
This event includes accessibility accommodations
Motor impairment
Cie Les Oreilles en Eventail

Theatrical recital, resulting from a cycle of melodies programmed by the Peplum festival and created at the Théâtre antique d'Arles in July 2022, around Latin poetry in action, Carmina Amoris makes a lyrical singer (also composer of the proposed melodies) dialogue, an actress and a pianist.

Types d'événement
Spectacle / Lecture
Thèmes 2023
Patrimoine vivant
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Conditions de participation
Type de public
Tout public

About the location

Site archéologique d'Olbia
Route de l'Almanarre 83400 Hyères
  • Var
  • Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur
A GREEK WITNESS(BATON) Located on a light headland by the sea, Olbia is the unique(only) witness(baton), kept(preserved) in his/her entire plan, of a network of Greek colonies(summer camps)-fortresses, based(established) by Marseilles from the IVth century s. av(avenue). J.-C. Citizens of Marseilles, the first Olbiens was soldiers-colonists, fishermen, farmers and had as main mission to reassure(secure) maritime business(trade). Vestiges brought to light allow to the visitors to include the urban evolution of an ancient city over 1000 years. Fortifications, streets done up with sewers and pavements, collective well, islands of houses divided into houses, shops, thermal baths, sanctuaries are found there, etc.
LIFE IN OLBIA Its geometric plan allowed an egalitarian distribution between families while answering military requirements of the small fortress: a thick square rampart, flanked(thrown) by tours(towers,ballots), sheltered four identical districts, delimited by two perpendicular ways. The unique(only) door of the city opened probably close to a port(bearing) of lagoon, today sanded up.
IN The ROMAN TIME In 49 av(avenues). J.-C., during the grip(taking) of Marseilles by the troops of Caesar(César), Olbia passes under the control of the Roman administration. The economic activity of Olbia falls over towards a centre of services(departments) and of welcome(reception) with the opening of therapeutic baths fed by the source(spring) of San Salvadour.
IN THE MIDDLE AGES On the ruins of the ancient city, abandoned(given up) at the beginning of the VIIth century, the abbey Saint-Peter of Almanarre, built in 1221, is occupied by moniales cisterciennes till the beginning of the XVth century".
Site archéologique, Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire, Monument historique