Creative workshops

Creative workshops Heritage Days (from 5 to 12 years) 🎨 As part of the European Heritage Days, the Vasarely Foundation opens its mediation rooms to introduce young visitors to creative workshops that transport us to the plastic world of Victor Vasarely, master of modern art. The mediation team offers children a selection of creative workshops, depending on the age of the participants. An introduction around the notion of sustainable will be addressed.
ℹ️ Conditions of accessibility Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 September 2023 Duration: 1h Slots available: 10h30-11h30 14h00-15h00 15h30-16h30
Free - Reservations on eventbrite - website, 15 children maximum per time slot. The mediation team will ask all parents who do not accompany their children to the workshop to complete a parental authorization-release of responsibility.