Sábado 16 septiembre 2023, 15:00Passed
Iraila 2023
Larunbata 16
15:00 - 16:30

Centre Archéologique du Var

335, avenue des Dardanelles 83000 Toulon
  • Var
  • Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Workshop «Illuminations»

European Heritage Days 2023
Sábado 16 septiembre 2023, 15:00Passed

Saturday 16 September at 15h /// Workshop «Illuminations». Children can discover the technique of illumination, tools and pigments used before making their own lettering Free - Reservations at: contact@centrearcheologique duvar.fr

Types d'événement
Animation Jeune public
Thèmes 2023
No selection
I agree that the image may be freely used, provided that it is attributed to the author by name and shared under the same conditions.
Conditions de participation
Type de public
Enfants (0-15 ans)

About the location

Centre Archéologique du Var
335, avenue des Dardanelles 83000 Toulon
  • Var
  • Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Headquarters of the association since January 2019, this place includes offices, a library, a working room and an exhibition room currently being fitted out. The public is welcomed there during open days, conferences or by appointment.
It is possible to park on site, only during open days, within the limit of available places