Guided tour to discover the rue des Loges and the new «Passage des Loges»
The students of the Lycée Notre-Dame offer a guided walk in this historic alley of Fontenay-le-Comte. Commercial lung of the medieval lower town, the architecture present in this...
16 i 17 septiembre 2023Passed

The students of the Lycée Notre-Dame offer you a commented walk in this historic alley of Fontenay-le-Comte. Commercial lung of the medieval lower town, the architecture present in this street testifies to the past of the city: half-timbered house, Millepertuis house, the church Saint-Jean, the typical alleys… Recently established, plant installations and ornamental grids now delimit the Passage des Loges, a particularly peaceful place, in which is located the famous «Louis XV house» whose facade was classified "historical monument" in 1931.