Musical night with the IMV
In the evening, Vendée Vitrail exceptionally opens its doors to the public on Saturday, September 16 from 8:30 pm to 10:30 pm for a fun and interactive discovery of the art of stained glass, in a noct
Sábado 16 septiembre 2023, 20:30Passed
Herramientas de registro
0251675994 vendeevitrail@paysdemortagne.frRegister / book: event includes accessibility accommodations
Motor impairment
Vendée Vitrail
In the evening, Vendée Vitrail exceptionally opens its doors to the public, on Saturday 16 September from 20:30 to 22:30 for a playful and interactive discovery of the art of stained glass, in a nocturnal atmosphere. The experience will be enriched by a vocal ensemble of young adults from the Musical Institute of Vendée (Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre), which will offer several interludes during the evening. Under the artistic direction of Odile AMOSSÉ, the choir will perform works from various eras and styles to highlight and highlight the stained glass windows exhibited at Vendée Vitrail. Each interlude, lasting ten minutes, will be repeated throughout the evening.