Église de Saint-Dizier
5 Saint-Dizier, 23130 Saint-Dizier-la-Tour
The village of Saint-Dizier is the former capital of the parish of the same name. Its territory was united in 1848 with that of the Tower-Saint-Austrille, to form a single commune.
The church is a Latin cross construction, built in the second half of the seventeenth century, and whose eastern part and part of the nave remain. The western façade, with its stone steeple and slate-covered spire, as well as the first two bays of the nave are a reconstruction of 1880-1882, due to Sauvannet, architect of the department of Creuse. Two perpendicular lateral chapels, forming the arms of the cross, are decorated, on their gable, with curious brick openings, in the shape of a drop or tear, which could have been arranged in 1853\.
The interior space is entirely painted, both on the walls and on the cover panelling of the main vessel. On it is preserved a decoration dating from the years 1650-1680, when landscaping and enlargement works are attested, in particular the construction of the south chap
Monument historique, Édifice religieux
free and open for heritage days