Guided tour of the New Créteil

This tour is a journey of discovery through the New Creteil of the 1970s, in the Palais and Haye-aux-Moines districts.
Emblematic district the Palace is built between 1972 and 1975, it is characterized by the curved lines of its buildings in the shape of wave, due to Louis de Hoym de Marien, and especially by its famous buildings «cabbages and ears of corn», works of Gérard Grandval, follower of plant architecture.
The Haye-aux-Moines district, designed by architect Jean-Claude Bernard, is surprising in its search for volumetry, design of outdoor spaces and new aesthetics.
The proposed circuit will also be an opportunity to discover the "Créteil 70’s, iconic architecture" route, designed by CAUE 94 and accessible in Archistoire. This new mobile and free application of discovery of the territory, in reality hybrid, invites you to explore remarkable places, to understand the evolution of the landscapes that surround you, to discover articles, photographs and videos of unpublished archives, and to listen to interviews of architects and inhabitants who reveal the secrets of the place.
Guided tour by Typhanie Brico Deroin, architect at the CAUE du Val-de-Marne.