Guided tour of the exhibition «La banlieue des enfants»

Guided tour of the “Children’s Suburbs” exhibition:
Every hour, the team of the Maison de Banlieue et de l'Architecture offers a quick tour of the exhibition "La banlieue des enfants - La place de l'enfant en banlieue, histoire et réflexions", followed by a friendly exchange with the curators of the exhibition.
“As full citizens, children enjoy rights: to free time, to play, to expression... These rights are, however, violated, in an urban space often oriented around the needs of adults. In the suburbs, the evolution of the place of children in a city reveals urban and social changes. This exhibition questions the places dedicated to them and highlights initiatives that allow them to appropriate their living environment. By giving the floor to the children of yesterday and today, she invites them to read the suburbs to their full potential.”