Theatre "Danton the last days of the lion"
European Heritage Days 2023
Sábado 16 septiembre 2023, 17:00Passed

DANTON, THE LAST DAYS OF THE LION will return to Châtelet-en-Brie! 🔥 New distribution, new scenography, new costumes: the piece comes back even stronger! So come many and many discover -or re-discover- this memorable page in the history of France! Join the actors to travel through time and enter the intimacy of legendary characters!
Directed by Pierre Boucard Scenography: Violette Graveline and Samuel Giuranna Costumes: Viollaine de Merteuil and Violette Graveline Lights: Antonio de Carvalho Music: Mathieu Rannou With: Pierre Boucard, Barbara Castin, Yves-Pol Denielou, Samuel Giuranna, Etienne Menard and Maxime-Lior Windisch