Performance The Day I Became A Cloud | ESincompany

The Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris invited Cologne-based choreographer Emanuele Soavi to create a performance that connects with the museum’s permanent collections. The Day I Became A Cloud will be shown for the first time on 16 and 17 September 2023 in Paris.
In Paris, the lower square of the Musée d'Art Moderne, with its theatrical architecture, is transformed into a stage and welcomes visitors with a living painting around the basin. Inside the museum, Emanuele Soavi and internationally renowned actress and dancer Kate Strong, Accompanied by members of the ESincompany company as well as Parisian performers and performers do not get in touch with the works of the collection including Danse Inachevée and Danse de Paris by Henri Matisse. A sound composition by Johannes Malfatti takes part in this visual and auditory performance. Composed of several bandoneons hung vertically, this installation stimulates a breath to the event, embellishes it, moves it forward or puts it to a stop. A read text serves as a theoretical framework as well as a performative material and adds an additional level of reading. Performative interventions complement and expand the central event. The audience follows the route of their choice and becomes part of the performance.