The Garden of the Chimeras

An installation specially designed by the collective L3E (photographers) for the Bossuet de Meaux garden, with the collaboration of Linda Leterrier (choreographer), Cécile Derynck (painter), Anne Marzin (writer).
Escaped from the margins of the works of the old fund of the Luxembourg media library, descended from the heights of the cathedral St Etienne, the chimeras took refuge in a closed and protective case: the garden Bossuet. Finding their vegetal environment, they occupy every nook and cranny, interfering in the most secret passages. Pure contemporary creations, drawings, humanoid robots, photographic compositions have joined the ancient chimeras …
During your stroll inside this incredible bestiary, you can discover: - the Galerie des drôleries, a series of chalk drawings by Cécile Derynck - the Bassin des femme-fleurs, center of the regular garden - the Allée des grotesques - the Menagerie - the Chimera Theatre - the Alley of Frescoes - the Salon des humanoïdes - the Passe-tête, where you can photograph yourself