"Belle époque": L'abécédaire by Pascal Vienot (All Bligny from A to Z)

Pascal Viénot, administrator of the Hospital Center of Bligny and passionate photographer immersed himself in the archives of the former health establishment of the "Works of the Popular Sanatoriums of Paris", on the hill of Bligny, straddling the communes of Fontenay-lès-Briis and Briis-sous-Forges to compile the texts of Dr Louis Guinard, Bligny’s first medical director who compose this surprising primer.
All Bligny from A to Z with a solid overview of a history far from over, that of the health facilities of the hill of Bligny...
This photographic and historical walk takes us into the life of the people of Bligny 120 years ago, in a world disappeared, predecessor of ours, totally distant from our life of the 21st century, and yet so similar as it is true that the very wide range of emotions that dot the life of each one has not changed for thousands of years...
The book is on sale on the ABC stand at the Théâtre de Bligny at the starting price of 25 €.
Monsieur Vienot will be present on the stand of "La belle époque": all Bligny from A to Z on Saturday, September 16, 2023 from 11:00 to 16:00 to present and sign his book. the stand will remain open for the sale of the book at the price of 25 € (check or cash)