Exhibition: The history of the vine and wine - The vineyard of Montfermeil - The tools of winemakers

It is a story of several millennia that is told by the exhibition presented by the Historical Society of Montfermeil and its region, that of the vine and wine. In its introduction, it recalls how the vines cultivated by man gradually spread and then in a second chapter, devoted to the vineyard of Montfermeil, how this history mixes with that of the village for more than a millennium.
The rest of the exhibition is devoted to the tools of the vine, soil preparation and maintenance (spades, hoes, etc.), vine pruning (serpes, secateurs, etc.), grape pressing (presses, etc.), objects and tools related to wine, wine conservation (barrels, bottles, corks and corkscrews, etc.) and its tasting (pitchers, glasses, etc.). In addition, the barrel being one of the most important instruments for the aging and conservation of wine, its construction and the dozens of necessary tools are the subject of a chapter on cooperage.
In addition to the panels of the exhibition, most of the tools presented are visible in the Museum of Crafts.
Another chapter concerns the enemies of the vine and the treatments associated with a photographic report on the preparation, nowadays, of a grafted plant, necessary in the fight against phylloxera.
Finally, the harvest was a time of celebration, which appears in the chapter devoted to the harvest.
More than 200 illustrations (photographs, plans, etc.) accompany the dozens of plates in the exhibition.