16 i 17 septiembre 2023Passed
Iraila 2023
Larunbata 16
11:00 - 17:00
Igandea 17
11:00 - 17:00
12 to 121 years old

Palais Cambon - Cour des comptes

13 rue Cambon 75001 Paris
  • Paris
  • Île-de-France

Discover an audit of the Court of Auditors, from A to Z

The Court of Auditors' reports will no longer be secret to you
16 i 17 septiembre 2023Passed
Cour des comptes

The reports of the Court of Auditors will have no secrets for you

The reports of the Court of Auditors are drawn up by its six thematic chambers.
The Court’s Public Report and Programmes Service (PRPS), headed by the General Rapporteur, is a cross-cutting service that operates both upstream and downstream of the preparation of these reports: Upstream, it coordinates and leads the preparation of the Court’s work programme, in conjunction with the Chambers, while downstream, it finalizes publications, including the annual public report (RPA), with the assistance of its editorial division. Finally, it steers the Court’s annual follow-up report on recommendations.
The Public Reporting and Programs (PRPS) team will answer all your questions.

Faithful to the European Heritage Days, the Court of Auditors reopens its doors on 16 and 17 September.

The tour, free and signposted, will allow you to discover this institution, created by Napoleon 1st, and whose missions have continued to evolve to be constantly at the service of citizens.
The course will be lined with stands, presentations and videos that will allow you to discover the origins of the Court, its missions, its organization and its work. Court staff will be present to answer all your questions. An audio guide to download for free on your smartphone will accompany you during your visit.
Meetings with the magistrates will also be offered during the two days during the presentation of reports of the Court in «180 seconds», as well as on Sunday afternoon with the First President during a citizen dialogue.
Children are not forgotten: a «playbook» will guide them in the discovery of the Cambon Palace. They can also participate in coloring a giant fresco.
In addition, the Court of Auditors offers to enrich your visit on Saturdays by attending one of the performances of a show on the theme of public finances by the association La Cour des Contes.
If you are disabled, in order to best prepare your welcome, please contact us before your visit at: courdescomptes@ccomptes.fr
To discover our entire program, visit our website a few days before the event: www.ccomptes.fr.

Types d'événement
Atelier / Démonstration / Savoir-faire
Thèmes 2023
No selection
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Conditions de participation
Type de public
Tout public

About the location

Palais Cambon - Cour des comptes
13 rue Cambon 75001 Paris
  • Paris
  • Île-de-France
The Cambon Palace was built between 1898 and 1910 by the architect Constant Moyaux on the site of the former convent of the Ladies of the Assumption of Cambon Street, whose chapel still survives. The Palace became the seat of the Court of Auditors, created in 1807 by Napoleon I, and houses its magistrates and administration. It consists of four wings around a courtyard of honor. The most important rooms are concentrated on the first floor, with the Grand'Chambre and the library. The main staircase is decorated with a ceiling painted in 1911 by Gervex and representing an allegory of the State. Eight pieces of decoration or movable objects are classified as historical monuments.
Lieu de pouvoir, édifice judiciaire
M1, M12 Concorde, M8, M12, M14 Madeleine