Discover a holiday home signed Le Corbusier
Come and meet the Villa Savoye, this masterpiece of modernist architecture, which Le Corbusier described as a «living machine». In the garden, mediations will be pro...
16 i 17 septiembre 2023Passed

©J.C. Ballot - Centre des monuments nationaux ©FLC-ADAGP
Come and meet the Villa Savoye, this masterpiece of modernist architecture, which Le Corbusier described as a «living machine». In the garden, mediations will be offered to understand Villa Savoye and the five points of modern architecture. This visit is also the occasion to discover on the first floor the exhibition «Inhabit the villa» of the visual artist Françoise Pétrovitch. His paintings and sculptures dialogue with the architecture, the chromatic research of Le Corbusier and revive the presence of the inhabitants of the house.