Engraving and its techniques: meeting-conference with the artist Christine Gendre-Bergère

The engraving and its techniques
Conference with the artist Christine Gendre-Bergère
The artist-engraver Christine Gendre-Bergère will animate a playful conference on engraving, from its origins to its multiple techniques: with projections of images, presentation of engraved plates or in progress, tools, states and original engravings, and exchanges with the public.
This meeting will be followed by a discovery of artists' books on the theme of engraving exhibited in showcases for the occasion, to show the diversity of contemporary practices around the print and the artist’s book. In particular, two works by Christine Gendre-Bergère: InVisibles , a series of seven etchings created in tribute to homeless people, Bobby Lapointe and cardboard, and Urbanité, a poetic stroll through the streets of the 20th arrondissement.
Saturday 16 September, at 3pm.
On registration, all public from 10 years.