Philosophy and art history workshops for children

The notion of «living heritage», relates to objects such as know-how, craft traditions, rituals, festivals..., objects passed down from generation to generation and that continue to evolve, because they accompany human beings in their lives. Because these objects relate to life, to our daily lives, these workshops will focus on the relationship between art and life, starting from exchanges with children and the common observation of works of art. What is the relationship between human life and the life of works of art? Can a work of art be alive? Do the arts where we see human beings represented (painting) or in movement (theatre) show the same life as those who do not show us human beings (architecture, music)?
After the discussion, children will be invited to carry out practical work with a surprise DIY... and very lively!
The workshop is led by Ada Ackerman, (Thalim, CNRS) (art history), Mildred Galland (Thalim, CNRS) (philosophy) and Alain-Patrick Olivier (Nantes University) (philosophy for children)
Practical information
Saturday, September 16
13h45-15h (5-7 years) and 16h-17h15 (8-10 years)
On registration
National Institute of Art History - Colbert Gallery – Nicolas-Claude Fabri Room in Peiresc
6 rue des Petits Champs 75002 Paris
All information can be found on the INHA agenda: