Family workshop for children aged 6 to 11: «Assembly line»
The Renault adventure, begun in 1898 in Billancourt, marked the territory of the city for more than a century. But how did the 35,000 plant employees, who in 1939 covered over 100 hecta...?
Sábado 16 septiembre 2023, 15:00Passed
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The Renault adventure, begun in 1898 in Billancourt, marked the territory of the city for more than a century. But how did the 35,000 factory employees, who covered more than 100 hectares of Meudon in Boulogne in 1939, produce 45 cars per hour? Thanks to the network work! This process, introduced in 1917 at Renault, makes it possible to optimize every second and every gesture in a perfectly mastered ballet. But it forces the Specialized Workers to repeat one task again and again under difficult conditions, and will be at the origin of great historical social movements. In order to make models of paper cars, children will have to find the best way to organize group work. Collective manufacture of models of paper cars.