Children’s workshop to discover the garden of the MSH Paris Nord

from 3.30pm to 4.30pm - garden workshop for children 6 to 12 years old Propose to your children to discover the plants of the garden of the MSH Paris Nord, the relationships they maintain between themselves and with the animals. They will be observed with a magnifying glass, described, drawn and coloured. We will also listen to the sounds of the garden by sharing our experiences because everyone does not necessarily hear the same thing. Finally, using a large hairy microphone connected to a recorder, we will experiment a particular type of listening guided by the tool. Listening is multiform; it is learned! Workshop led by Diane Schuh, experimental musician and landscape artist Duration 1h Group of 10 children from 6 to 12 years old (without their parents) Only on registration Parents can follow the other activities offered at the MSH Paris Nord during the workshop. Full programme of heritage days at the MSH Paris Nord on its website: