To your notes! The score in all its states

The media library looks at the score and musical notation.
– Friday Sept. 15:
6 p.m.: Orchestra librarian, a profession at the service of live performance. Interview with Maud Rolland and Noémie Larrieu, orchestra librarians at Radio France.
7 pm: Behind the scenes of the composer’s profession with David Lampel, who teaches writing and orchestration in the conservatories of the City of Paris.
– Saturday Sept. 16:
10 am and 3 pm: guided tour of the Médiathèque. Presentation of collections and some rare documents, testimonies of the history of recording media: phonographic cylinders, perforated cartons, vintage vinyl, 78 rpm, and many curiosities!
11 am: Children’s workshop (7-10 years): Draw the sound! Chloé Aujames (piano), Anna Schwarz (flute) and Maxime Chauvin (saxophone) offer children a workshop of sound exploration and transversal music/ drawing creation, which allows them to create their own graphic score.
2 p.m.: From the score to the musical board, meeting with Chloé Aujames, a state-certified professor, for her book, Les Traits du Son (ed. Delatour). Introduction by Chrystel Marchand, composer, educator, researcher.
16 h: Preserve, transmit, interpret: cross-views on musical notation. Round table with Pierre Agut (composer), Jérôme Boutinot (librarian at IRCAM) and Maxime Barthélémy (publisher Maison ONA).
7 p.m.: Concert by Guillaume Florès (viola) and Paul Wiener (violin and viola). Guillaume Florès and Paul Wiener offer us a program of works by Igor Stravinsky, Betsy Jolas, George Benjamin, Garth Knox, Alberto Posadas.
Note: from 12 to 22 Sept., the exhibition La partition dans tous ses états! Of all sizes, all formats, colorful, illustrated, old or contemporary, graphic scores, but also drafts, manuscripts… In partnership with the Radio France library and the IRCAM library.