«Ready, ready, shape!» Family modeling workshops under the sign of the Cultural Olympiad
"On your marks, ready, model!"
16 i 17 septiembre 2023Passed
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Héraklès archer de Bourdelle, musée Bourdelle, Paris, photo Pierre Antoine
"On your marks, ready, shape!"
Family modeling workshops under the sign of the Cultural Olympiad
As a family, discover the iconic work of Antoine Bourdelle Héraklès archer and the poster created by the artist for the 1924 Olympiad, then model your own Olympic hero in clay.
It is recommended to bring a cardboard box to transport the modelling done.
Note: for this family activity, it is necessary to reserve a place per adult and child.
Information:Public Service of the Bourdelle Museum
Tel. 01 84 82 14 55 - Mail: eppm-bourdelle.reservations@paris.fr