Discovering the South of Champignol: «the millstone for all!»

The district of Champignol is delimited to the South by the avenue du Bac, to the West by the boulevard de Champigny, to the East by the avenue Didier and to the North by the Marne. If the northern part of the district was quickly subdivided (from 1881 for the space between the station and the avenue of Verdun), the southern part was later. In 1864, it was reserved for the construction of factories, but found no takers. It was also developed after 1870, first in the triangle between Centennial Avenue, Verdun Avenue and the RER line, then in the other sectors between 1885 and 1925. This is the part we invite you to discover. A neighborhood still very rural in 1921 but which welcomes many inhabitants in the Interwar. The proposed route allows to understand the history of the district by observing the architecture of its houses, from the «remarkable building» protected by the PLU, to the modest «economic house» or the building of report. The booklet also includes a treasure hunt for children.