Église Notre-Dame
Rue de la Vieille-Église 36240 Écueillé
The Old(Former) priorale church, based(established) by the members of a religious order of the abbey of Villeloin, is built in Romanic style at the end of the XIIth century, and covered at the beginning of the XIIIth century of crossings of rounded ogives, of chap from Anjou. Three oriental(eastern) spans as well as the bell tower were altered in the second half of the XVth century. The Romanic portal(gate) opens on the Gothic nave. The hall of the XVIth century in front of the portal(gate) still existed in 1954\. Since 1906, this church is disused. Listed(Classified) in conformance with(for) Historic monuments in 1987.
Monument historique, Édifice religieux

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