Centre François-Garnier
10 Place du Marché 36700 Châtillon-sur-Indre
The Centre François-Garnier is installed(settled) in the historic site of the royal castle of Châtillon-sur-Indre. Its premises(places) occupy more particularly the old(former) Gothic chapel of the castle, numerous vestiges of which remain(subsist). Created in 2004 by the association Meeting with religious Heritage, he(it) develops diverse activities of research(search), of study and promotion(valuation) of the religious heritage in which the region Centre-Val de Loire of the Loire is particularly rich, and makes available of the students and researchers a Documentation Centre specialised in this domain.
Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir, Édifice religieux
-access staircases by 10, place(square) of the Market; - access at the same level by the Place(Square) of the Castle (portal(gate) of the school F. Rabelais).

Centre François-Garnier