Ancien bailliage de justice (actuelle mairie)
Place des Marronniers 28500 Crécy-Couvé
- Eure-et-Loir
- Centre-Val de Loire
The old(former) bailiwick of justice built in 1753 by madam de Pompadour for its castle of Crécy practically had only a symbolic aspect. There remains his(her,its) architecture of the XVIIIth century with its old(former) splendid staircases. Both rooms of welcome(reception) will be opened, one at the ground floor, other one on the first floor. It belonged in XIX ° to the famous art collector Louis Lacaze, who left his collection of about 600 paintings(cloths) of masters(teachers) in the Louvre (melt Lacaze). He received the local school from 1906 till 1991, and welcomes currently the city council. This building(ship) is in the extension of the place(square) of chestnut trees, the first one(night) of which, crashed by 1730, was transplanted in the XIXth century, then a third time as before further to the destructive storm of 1999\. Welcome(Reception) information and documentation.
Lieu de pouvoir, édifice judiciaire, Monument historique

Crécy Couvé