Guided tour of the Chevalier de Messanges mill
From September 15 to 17, in the Vergy valley, on the banks of the Meuzin, the Moulin Chevalier welcomes you to make you relive, the space of a weekend, the work of the miller. The well-preserved establishment, which operated until 1980, is remarkable for its range of material, from the old grinding wheel to the 1950 cylinders. On four levels and 700 m2, will be presented the machines traditionally used for the manufacture of flour, and the recent work will facilitate the safe reception of the public, as part of an ecomuseum type presentation. This initiative (for which he received the «Patrimoine 2000» label) allows to revive techniques and energies of the milling industry in recent centuries.
A video presentation of the mill by the last miller is planned for people with reduced mobility. Sale of souvenirs and brochures on the mill.