Visit free of permanent collections of sculptures and paintings(paints)

The fine arts collection features 19th-century sculptures created by artists Antoine Etex, François-Rupert Carabin, Max Claudet, and Jean-Joseph Perraud, artist of Jura origin who bequeathed to the museum the collection of his studio as well as his own collection of works of art.
The collection of paintings is rich in many masterpieces representative of the Nordic, Italian and French schools (Pieter Breughel le Jeune, Adriaen Van de Venne, Adam Colonia). The Italian school of the 17th and 18th centuries is present with works by Pietro della Vecchia, Antonio Triva and Pietro Negri.
The French school is represented by 18th century paintings (Nicolas Bernard Lépicié, Charles Meynier...), as well as by 19th century artists including Gustave Courbet with five paintings including The German Hunter and The Sarrazine Cave.
Part of the extra-European ethnographic collection is also visible in the course, as is an object or set of archaeological or natural history objects according to the Rendez-vous aux musées programme!