Open tours of the exhibition "The object of a meeting"

Continuous free visits (last admission 17:30)
"PURPOSE OF MEETING" 16 September – 31 December 2022
The Museums of Marseille continue their commitment to cultural action in favour of designers and artisans of art and join forces with the Chamber of Crafts and Crafts of the PACA region and Marseille Design Méditerranée to organize a joint exhibition project combining design and crafts. Know-how, between tradition and contemporary creation, design and craftsmanship have a part of their common history, today reactivated by many designers who emphasize the quality of materials and their implementation, and the territorial anchorage of certain techniques or characteristics. From idea to gesture, design and craftsmanship question the transmission of know-how, creativity and forms. This exhibition will highlight the results of an alliance of practices born of a cross fertilisation between designers and artisans.