See you at Vincent Schoepfer’s ceramic workshop!
Vincent Schoepfer embodies a new generation of artist/ceramicist who revives the taste of ornamental in an ultra-contemporary vision.
To the tradition, Vincent Schoepfer brings a more modern reading, made of humor, of shift:«My references are much more contemporary as in my series «Heads of fashion» which takes the codes of major luxury brands. Their monograms are today in the eyes of many, like so many votive and mythological signs, leading to fascination and veneration. I have fun hijacking them, mixing them. This series asks about current values and references.”
Figurative without being realistic, the Vincent Schoepfer style is already assertive and recognizable; the details of baroque opulence contrast with the chiseled and minimalist lines; the smooth and white surfaces, reminiscent of ancient statuary, The use of red earth gives a more raw dimension to the most contemporary volumes. As for the choice of medium, ceramics, it was obvious_: The earth does not lie, it allows me to connect to the elements and be once again anchored in the present, in the real, which is why the clays I use come from French quarries, as close as possible. Finally, high temperature sandstone allows me to obtain the most complex and unexpected shapes with a delicate and sensitive touch.”_