Inauguration of the Echiquier realized at the CARABELLI unit of the Montperrin hospital under the guidance of Daniel Zanca, artist interveni

A group of 10 people, patients in CATTP (part-time therapeutic center) or HDJ (day hospital), care facilities dependent on the Montperrin Hospital Center, worked for a year in workshop. This workshop, led in collaboration by two carers and Daniel Zanca, a French artist, allowed these people to reconnect with curiosity of learning, experimentation, dialogue... to exercise concentration and knowledge-make, in a common project of creation, from recycled materials.
Each participant is invited for the inauguration to place his king, his madman, his queen... on the chessboard realized collectively. A very important time that honours these creators and the role they played in this game of chess! The exhibition Repairs on the 2nd floor is also worth visiting ...