Exhibition "For all tastes"

What is a successful meal? It is from this enticing question that the nine groups of participants* in the Mix Mezzé project devised and designed a travelling exhibition.
For this purpose, they were inspired by the semi-permanent exhibition of the Mucem «Le Grand Mezzé», and implemented one of the museum’s favourite working methods: the «survey-collection».
After working on this project throughout the school year, today they are presenting their own exhibition in the style of a large meal combining objects, stories, recipes, and all their findings!
Called «Pour tous les goûts», this travelling exhibition was inaugurated at the Centre social L'Olivier bleu (in the 15th arrondissement of Marseille) on the occasion of the Aygalades Festival, in June 2022, before being presented in other parts of Marseille. On September 17 it will be the turn of the vernissage at the Centre Social Bernard du Bois (1st arrondissement)!
- Mobilized by the following structures: Centre social et culturel Mer et Colline (13008), Because U art (13001), CCO Centre social Bernard du Bois (13001), EPFF at Centre de loisirs La Busserade (13003), Centre social du Grand Canet (13014), Centre social Saint-Just La Solitude (13014), Centre social de la Capelette (13010), Urban Muses (13011), Centre social L'Olivier bleu (13015). As part of the cultural summer supported by the Ministry of Culture.